#0000#0000#40RESTART BLOCK
#0000#0000 RST 0: Reset complet de la machine
RST 1: LOWJUMP: à la suite 2 octets d’adresse:
b0 au b13=adresse;
b14=Lower ROM disabled;
b15=Upper ROM disabled
#000B#000B LOW PCHL: HL has address as RST 1
#000E#000E JMP BC’: BC has address to jump to
RST 2: SIDE CALL: inline two byte address:
b0 to b13=address-&C000;
bl4 to b15=offset to required ROM (used between sequenced Foreground ROMs)
#0013#0013 SIDE PCHL: HL has address as RST 2
#0016#0016 JMP DE’: DE has address to jump to
RST 3: FAR CALL: inline three byte address block:
bytes 1 and 2 hold the address;
byte 3 holds the ROM select address
FAR PCHL: as RST 3, but HL has address;
C has ROM select
JMP HL’: HL has address to jump to
RST 4: RAM LAM: LD A,(HL) from RAM with ROMs disabled
FAR CALL: as RST 3, but HL has address of three byte address block
RST 5: FIRM JUMP: inline two byte address to jump to
RST 6: User restart; default to RST 0
RST 7: Interrupt entry (KB/Time etc)
External interrupt (default to RET)
ROM lower foreground area: BASIC input area (tokenised)
end of BASIC input area.
BASIC working area for program, variables, etc…
Program area;
Variables and DEF FNs area;
Arrays area;
Free space;
end of free space;
Strings area;
end of Strings area (=HIMEM);
Space for user machine code routines;
end of user space, byte before user;


 #A6FC#A6FC4AMSDOS chain,ing block
address of next ROM block in chain (or &0000 if the last in chain)
 #A6FE#A6FE1ROM Select address
AMSDOS reserved area. This area is moved down if any ROMs have numbers greater than eight (6128 only)
Current drive number (0=A; 1=B)
 #A701#A7011Current USER number
 #A708#A7081OPENIN flag (&FF=closed; <>&FF=opened)
Copy of current or last Disc Directory entry for OPENIN/LOAD:
 #A709#A7091USER number
 #A70A#A70A8Filename (padded with spaces)
 #A712#A7123File extension (BAS, BIN, BAK, etc) including: b7 set = Read Only
 #A713#A7131b7 set = System (ie not listed by CAT or DIR)
16K block sequence number for this directory entry (0 for first block; if <>0 part of a larger file)
Non utilisés
length of this block in 128 byte records
sequence of Disc Block numbers containing file – &00 as end marker
number of 128 byte records loaded so far; before loading proper: &00 for ASCII (ie nothing loaded yet); &01 for BIN or BAS files (ie header record loaded)
OPENOUT flag (&FF=closed; <>&FF=opened)
Copy of current or last Disc Directory entry for OPENOUT/SAVE:
USER number
Filename (padded with spaces)
File extension ($$$ while open; correct extension when finished)
flag (&00=open; &FF=closed, ie finished)
Flag (&00=open; &FF=closed)
number of 128 byte records saved so far
sequence of Disc Block numbers containing file – &00 as end marker
number of 128 byte records saved so far
flag (&00=OPENIN; &01=In Char; &02=In Direct (whole file))
address of 2K buffer for ASCII, or of start of current/last block if BIN or BAS file
address of next byte to read for ASCII, or of 2K buffer for BAS or BIN file
first #45 bytes of BAS/BIN file (extended header) or of extended header made for ASCII file
USER number
Filename (padded)
Non utilisés
file type (&00=BASIC; &01=protected BASIC; &02=Binary; &16=ASCII)
Non utilisés
address to load file into (=actual destination), or buffer for an ASCII file
Unused for disc
length of file in bytes (&0000 for ASCII files)
execution address fora BIN file
Non utilisés
length of actual file in bytes (as &A76D) -BAS and BIN only
simple checksum of first 67 bytes of header (LB first) – BAS and BIN only
flag (&00=OPENOUT; &01=Out Char; &02=Out Direct(whole file))
address of 2K block if an ASCII file, or of current/last block saved if a BAS or BIN file
address of next byte to write for ASCII files, or of 2K buffer for BAS and BIN files
first &45 bytes of BAS/BIN file (ie extended header)
USER number
Filename (padded)
Flag (&00=Open)
Flag (&00=Open)
Non utilisés
file type (&00=BASIC; &01=protected BASIC; &02=Binary; &16=ASCII)
Non utilisés
address to save file from (for BAS or BIN files), or of buffer for ASCII files
 #A7B6#A7B61Unused for disc
Length of file in bytes
execution address for BIN files
Non utilisés
length of actual file in bytes (as at &A7B7) – BAS and BIN only
simple checksum of first 67 bytes of header (LB first) – BAS and BIN only
buffer area for records sent to or loaded from Disc, or used in forming filename and extension
Tape Jumpblock is stored here by AMSDOS – is moved to &BC77 etc after |TAPE
far address used by AMSDOS RST 3s at &BC77 etc (&CD30,&07)
Drive A Extended Disc Parameter Block (XDPB):
number of 128 byte records per track
log2(Block size)-7 (&03=1024 bytes; &04=2048 bytes)
(Block size)/128-1 (&07=1024 bytes;
(Block size)/1024 (if total of blocks <256, else /2048)-1
number of blocks per disc side (excluding reserved tracks)
number of (directory entries)-1
bit signiflcant value of number of blocks for directory (&0080=1; &00C0=2)
number of bits in checksum =((&A894)+ 1)/4
number of reserved tracks (&00=Data; &01=IBM; &02=System)
number of first sector (&01=IBM; &41=System; &C1=Data)
number of sectors per track (Data=9; System=9; IBM=8)
gap length (Read/Write)
gap length (Format)
format filler byte (&E5)
log2(sector size)-7 (&02=512; &03=1024)
records per sector
current track (not for use)
0=not aligned (not for use)
Auto select flag (&00=Auto select; &FF= don’t alter)
Drive B Extended Disc Parameter Block (arranged as at &A890)
(&17 bytes of &FF)
(&12 bytes of &00)
address of area for reading directory entries for Drive A
address of Drive A XDPB
address of the byte after the end of Drive A XDPB
(8bytes of &00)
address of area for reading directory entries for Drive B
address of Drive B XDPB
address of the byte after the end of Drive B XDPB
block of directory entries, including last file loaded
buffer for loading; usually contains last sector loaded
(&50 bytes of &00)
Start of BASIC Operating System reserved area:
program line redundant spaces flag (0=keep extra spaces; <>0=remove)
groups of 3 RET bytes (&C9) called by the Upper ROM
AUTO flag (0=off; <>0=on)
number of the next line (6128) or of the current line (464) for AUTO
step distance for AUTO
 #AC08 1
WIDTH (&84=132)
FOR/NEXT flag (0=NEXT not yet used; <>0=used)
FOR start value (real). Only 2 bytes are used if % or DEFINT variable
address of `: ‘ or of the end of program line byte after a NEXT command
address of LB of the line number containing WEND
WHILE/WEND flag (&41=WEND not yet used; &04=used)
address of location holding ROM routine address for KB event block
Event Block for ON SQ(l):
chain address to next event block; &0000 if last in chain, but &FFFF if unused
class: Far address, highest (ON SQ) priority, Normal & Synchronous event
routine address (in BASIC ROM)
ROM Select number (&FD ie ROM 0 enabled, Lower ROM disabled)
(first byte of user field)
address of the end of program line byte or `:’ after `ON SQ(x) GOSUB line number’ statement
address of the end of program line byte of the line before the GOSUB routine
Event block for ON SQ(2), arranged as #AC1E onwards – second ON SQ priority
Event block for ON SQ(4), arranged as &AC1E onwards – lowest ON SQ priority
Ticker and Event Block for AFTER/EVERY Timer 0
chain address to next event block (usually to another timer or &00FF)
‘count down’ count
recharge count (for EVERY only – &0000 if AFTER)
chain address to next ticker block
class: Far address, lowest (timer) priority, Normal and Synchronous event
Routine address (in BASIC ROM)
ROM Select No (&FD ie ROM 0 enabled, Lower ROM disabled)
(first byte of user field)
address of the end of program line byte or `:’ after statement in use when the timer `timed-out’
address of tbe end of program line byte of tbe line before the GOSUB routine
Ticker and Event Block for AFTER/EVERY Timer 1 (3rd Timer priority) arranged as at &AC42
Ticker and Event Block for AFTER/EVERY Timer 2 (2nd Timer priority) arranged as at &AC42
Ticker and Event Block for AFTER/EVERY Timer 3 (highest priority) arranged as at &AC42
BASIC input area for lines (as typed in and not tokenised) or for INPUT
address of line number LB in line containing error
address of byte before statement containing error – ie of `:’ or of HB of Line No
ERR (Error No)
 #AD91 1
DERR (Disc Error No)
as &AD8E if error is in a program (ie not if in Direct Command Mode)
as &AD8C if error is in a program (ie not if in Direct Command Mode)
address of the length LB of line specified by the `ON ERROR GOTO’ command
Current SOUND parameter block (see Firmware Jump #BCAA)
Channel andrendezvous status
Amplitude enveloppe (ENV) number
Tone enveloppe (ENT) number
Tone period
Noise period
Initial amplitude
Duration, or envelope repeat count
Current Amplitude or Tone Envelope parameter bloc (see #BCBC or #BCBF)
Number of sections (+#80 for negative ENT number, ie the envelope is run until end of sound
First section of the enveloppe:
Step count (if<#80) otherwise envelope shape (not tone envelope)
Step size (if step count<#80) otherwise envelope period (not tone envelope)
pause time (if step count<#80) otherwise envelope period (not tone envelope)
Second section of the envelope, as #ADA3
Third section of the envelope, as #ADA3
Fourth section of the envelope, as #ADA3
Fifth section of the envelope, as #ADA3
Table of DEFINT (#02), DEFSTR (#03) or DEFREAL default (#05), for variables ‘a’ to ‘z’
address of line number LB of last BASIC line (or #FFFF)
Address of byte before next DATA item (eg comma or space)
Address of space on GOSUB etc stack, (see also #B06F)
Address of byte before current statement (#003F if in Direct Command mode)
Address of line number LB of line of current statement (#0000 if in Direct Command mode)
Trace flag (0=TROFF; <>0=TRON)