Floppy Software MENU

Free downloads

Last update: Sunday, May 27, 2007 20:22:28

Programs marked with '*' are developed by me.
Programs marked with 'PCW' are Amstrad PCW specific.
Programs marked with 'CP/M' can run in any CP/M system.



quijote.zip Quijote (*) (PCW)

My web browser project for the Amstrad PCW. It is written in MESCC.

Test the first release!

In english only.

mescc101.zip MESCC (*) (CP/M)

Mike's Enhanced Small C Compiler v1.01
My Small C project for CP/M and Z80: compiler, assembler, loader, libraries. Includes assembler / C source code and binaries. Can compile itself!

viewhtml.com ViewHtml (*) (CP/M)

The Quijote's father.
A tool for view/print/save in ascii and more html files.
Run in any CP/M 2.2 or higher (I think).
Enter QUIJOTE[RETURN] for instructions.

In english only.

edtext.zip EdText v1.0 (*) (PCW)

Text editor in Mallard Basic, with menus & windows.
Uses the M: drive for temporary data.
Currently only in spanish.

zsm.zip ZSM 2.8 (CP/M)

Good Z80 assembler, also known as Z80ASMUK but enhanced. Can assemble source code from MESCC. With source, can assemble itself!

masm-80.zip Microsoft Macro-80 Assembler (CP/M)

Well known relocatable macro assembler, librarian and linker.

version.zip Version (*) (CP/M)

Shows CP/M or MP/M version, bdos & bios start, and tpa size. With COM file and C source for MESCC.

bintoasm.zip BinToAsm (*) (CP/M)

Converts a binary file into an assembler file with DEFB's. With COM file and C source for MESCC.

hextobin.zip HexToBin (*) (CP/M)

Converts an hexadecimal INTEL HEX file into a binary file. Can be used to generate an executable COM file. With COM file and C source for MESCC.

filecomp.zip FileComp (*) (CP/M)

Utility to compare two files and write the results on the screen. With COM file and C source for MESCC.

© Miguel I. García López, Albal (Valencia), Spain
Web: http://floppysoftware.vacau.com
Email: floppysoftware@gmail.com