Floppy Software MENU

Quijote, the HTML browser for the Amstrad PCW

Last update: Sunday, March 25, 2007 22:16:11

Quijote is my HTML browser project for the Amstrad PCW.

Currently is under development, but you can download the first release that works well (I think), and yes, it's free!

I am working in a new release. If you have comments or ideas about the old release, please, let me know.

Thanks for your cooperation.

I use my own version of Small C to write this software.

Quijote has a GUI - Graphical User Interface with menus, buttons, windows and mouse support.

Here, there are four Quijote screen shots:

The main screen

The configuration window

The About of... window

The browser in action

© Miguel I. García López, Albal (Valencia), Spain
Web: http://floppysoftware.vacau.com
Email: floppysoftware@gmail.com