Floppy Software MENU

Who am I?

Last update: Saturday, February 13, 2010 17:37:59

Hello, I am Miguel I. Garcia Lopez from Albal (Valencia), Spain, and Floppy Software was a dream never done, my own company to write software for the Amstrad PCW.

I like the Amstrad PCW, the CP/M operating system, and the Z80 cpu.

I like writing software in C language and Z80 assembler, but I also write programs in BASIC, 8080 assembler and Logo languages.

In the last years, I am working in my Small C compiler version, and I am thinking about releasing the source code, but it will be when I write a good manual for it.

At the moment, I am working in Quijote, my HTML browser for the PCW.

My Amstrad PCW 8256 is with me since 1987, and it was my first computer.

Currently, it has 512 Kb of memory, a 3 1/2" A: drive, a 3" 180 Kb B: drive (my old A: drive), a KeyMouse, a serial/centronics interface and...

© Miguel I. García López, Albal (Valencia), Spain
Web: http://floppysoftware.vacau.com
Email: floppysoftware@gmail.com